Delete and Edit Pages

March 2016 · 4 minute read

Create delete and edit actions for your new page
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Create page with Symfony2

February 2016 · 8 minute read

Create a Page bundle with Symfony 2.
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Create Page Listener

February 2016 · 2 minute read

Build a Listener for your new page to listen for event changes.
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Essential Traits

January 2016 · 8 minute read

The following will describe some essential traits for Symfony2 and how to include them into the page bundle I've recently built.
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Set up mySQL

December 2015 · 2 minute read

The following example will demonstrate how to manually set up mySQL database with Symfony2 and mySQL2 for a specific bundle in your application.
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Create a Page Bundle

December 2015 · 3 minute read

Adding on to the Global Bundle created in my previous article, the following will demonstrate how to create a Page Bundle with Symfony2 which is going to take care, specifically of handling page displays and features specific to pages, for the app I'm building.
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Create a Global Bundle

December 2015 · 6 minute read

The following example will create a global bundle with symfony2 which will control all bundles in the application. This will house all traits and characteristics applicable to more than one other bundle that I'll be building later on. Take note of the naming conventions for directories and files.
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Getting Started

December 2015 · 4 minute read

Symfony is a free open source framework which allows the user to build applications in php. In this example I'm going to use phpstorm as my text editor, mySQL for my database, ubuntu for the server and an application called prepros for converting css to sass.
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