Sick? Just suck it up

December 2015 · 3 minute read

So, Monday last week started off on a high with a brand new fail-proof routine to eat more, train harder, sleep better, get to work on time and still fit in a decent amount of programming. And then… I landed myself a sweet juicy virus. Yay.

Now, I don’t really get sick often but when I do I usually either just kind of get over it or it’s actually really, really bad. This time round, it was really bad. It sucked. Worst day of my life… Not really, that’s a bit dramatic. But actually. I didn’t get to go to the gym, I didn’t get to do any programming or even open my computer, I couldn’t think about any projects that I’m working on or researching, I basically spent the whole day sleeping and watching TV. So, there’s nothing good on TV these days. And spending a whole day between the couch and bed is unbelievably boring! How do people spend days like this on a regular basis?

The whole experience was just traumatic. Being sick is like a day off but not in a good way cause you don’t get anything done. So, it’s really more like a wasted day. That’s 24hrs that I’ll never get back and which had no real purpose. If it wasn’t for the relentless headache, pressing down on my forehead from inside my skull making me feel drowsy, it might just be bearable. You would think that bed ridden, I could at least do some work from my computer but no. No chance. Not when you feel like this.

Thursday rocks around and I’m thinking, like actual wtf? Still sick as. Vitamins and an early nights sleep didn’t do the trick? Looks like it’s going to be another wasted, aside from work of course. No gym, no programming, another boring early night… Wow, I hate being sick. Especially when it means missing a good friend’s birthday, two programming sessions with people who I can learn a lot from and most painfully, missing out on the gym! I swear, after four days off my muscles have halved in size…

Sooner or later, though, the only way to get over being sick is to just suck it up. Feeling 70% on Sunday morning, a solid lifting session is exactly what the doctor ordered! If you’re ever feeling average, honestly go to the gym. Nine times out of ten the first 20min sucks but after that it’s generally the best thing you did all day. Unless you’re sick, in which case the whole hour sucks, and the next 30 minutes after that. But then, by the time you eat and have a coffee, you’re pretty much back on top of the world.

On the bright side of being sick all weekend, I didn’t go out and got pretty bored so I spent a bit of time playing with digital art and also found a new framework to play with, Hugo – written in GoLang. Managed to get a skeleton theme rolling in just two days, that seems like pretty good time. At that rate, I should be able to release a complete them and deploy a new site in no time. I’m not really happy with the site I just put out so, I’m definitely on a mission now to change it as soon as possible. Might as well learn a new technology and language while I’m at it.

I’m back and I’m excited! Back at the gym with a new program, back online with a new technology, I love new stuff, this kind of new stuff means I’m making progress!