Getting back on the Horse

June 2016 ยท 3 minute read

Every time you get knocked, you just have to get back up and keep going! Well, that’s what they say anyway. And it sounds so simple in theory. But in reality, some knocks hit you so bad that you might not actually be able to get back up straight away.

When you eventually do get back up and try again, though, you quickly realise that it’s different this time around. It seems a little bit easier. It’s more comfortable, familiar even. It’s that comfort that reassures you and it’s the mistakes you made first time round that eases you.

For me, getting knocked really hurts. I tend to take almost everything on a personal level and if I face reality, I’m really not used to failure. In saying that, though, I’m probably not used to aiming extremely high either so I kind of need to be realistic here. Not that I never intended to aim high, of course, just that you are generally a product of your surroundings and you perception of “high” might change dependant on exposure to new ideas of what that might mean.

I know for a fact, I definitely intend now to aim higher than ever before. And of course, the higher you aim, the fall potential increases! But I have to take every step as it comes. It’s kind of like conditioning for a fight – every time you bruise, you rest, you heal and you go back stronger.

The first three months of this year did not go remotely according to plan and I failed, failed again and failed again. Now, a little later than anticipated I’m finally getting back on the horse! And this time around, things seem to be working out. They’re possibly even working out a little too well.

All I’m trying to do now is refrain myself from getting over excited about it all and somehow jinxing or fucking up my recent good fortune. Good fortune? Luck? Success? Call it what you want, I call it hard work finally paying off.

But if I just ride on that then somewhere along the line that hard work will wear out and I’ll be back to square one. So I figure instead of riding the wave, I’m going to wait for a big one and get back on track. Work never stops after one hard day, therefore, neither should I. Of course, holidays and celebrations always make for a good break and with the entire plan almost locked in place I will be back on track to focus again very soon.

Planning big events can be very stressful. I love it but I hate it, I love having planned everything to a tee and having it run smooth but I hate trying to get it all to fall into place perfectly when guaranteed immediate answers are nine times out of ten impossible. There’s always more to think about that you originally thought and there are always last minute issues. Hopefully not, if you plan it perfectly.