Get Started with Hugo

August 2017 · 3 minute read

To continue development on this small static application:

Ensure you have Hugo installed locally, clone this app into your Sites directory by running

$ git clone

Start the server and browse to localhost:1313

$ hugo server

Heres how I built this example and deloyed it on Netlify


1. Download and generate and new site Go path already configured, simply download the generator with homebrew:

$ brew update && brew install hugo

2. In your Sites directory, generate a new site:

$ hugo new site {site_name}

3. Add a theme to your project by moving into he theme directory and cloning hugo’s robust theme:

$ git clone

4. Move into your new site’s root directory and generate some content - this theme allows for the generation of a new post:

$ hugo new blog/

5. And also, the generation of a new portfolio entry:

$ hugo new gallery/

Be sure to configure this new file and ensure the image you have linked to is available in your static/images path

6. Run hugo’s built in server form the root directory, ensuring the theme and buildDrafts flags are specified:

$ hugo server —theme=osprey —buildDrafts

The above —buildDrafts flag specifies that articles are currently draft versions and not public. To make these **publicly available, simply updraft the content:

$ hugo updraft content/post/

Then, you can start the server without in the buildDrafts option:

$ hugo server —theme=osprey

Configure your Osprey theme

Update your config.toml options as per the instructions in the theme’s directory, in particular ensuring that you include the theme:

title = "Osprey Example Site"
baseURL = ""
tags = ["portfolio", "web design", "blog"]
languageCode = "en-US"
config = "config.toml"
theme = "osprey"
canonifyURLS = true
googleAnalytics = ""

    author = "Toma Nistor"
    description = "Full-stack web developer and UI/UX enthusiast based in San Diego, CA."
    logoBig = "/images/osprey-logo.png"
    logoSmall = "/images/osprey-logo.png"
    favicon = "favicon.ico"
    opengraphImage = "/images/osprey.png"
    twitter = "TomaNistor"
    linkedin = "tomanistor"
    github = "tomanistor"
    email = ""
    googleTagManger = ""
    highlightJS = true
    copyright = true
    credit = true

    name = "Work"
    url  = "/#work"
    weight = 1
    name = "Blog"
    url  = "/#blog"
    weight = 2
    name = "Contact"
    url  = "/#contact"
    weight = 3

If it worked, you should be able to run the default server:

$ hugo server

You can now view your new Hugo site by directing your browser to the following address:


Store site on GitHub

Create a new repo on Github

$ git init $ git add —all $ git commit -m ‘first commit’ $ git add remote origin {origin} $ git push -u master

Git Modules

Create a .gitmodules file like this:

$ touch .gitmodules

And add your theme in there:

$ git submodule add

It should look like this:

[submodule "themes/osprey"]
path = themes/osprey
url =

Create a netlify configuration file in your project root called netlify.toml and add the Hugo version to your production environment context as follows:

  HUGO_VERSION = "0.20"

Deploy site on Netlify

Sign up with Netlify if you haven’t already done so at:

Create a new project and configure your deploy settings for continuous deployment:

Repository: GitHub repo Branch: master Build Command: hugo Publish Directory: public